May 17, 2020 Meetings

Weekly Meetings:

    • PSRP: Tuesday, 9:30am (virtual via Zoom call)
      or call @ 669-900-9128, meeting ID 415 608 7777
    • Prayer Meetings: Tuesday, 8:00pm
      English (virtual via Zoom call)
      Chinese North (virtual via Zoom call)
      Chinese South (virtual via Zoom call)
    • Weekday Pursuit: Thursday, 9:30am (cancelled)
    • Small Group Meetings: Fri./Sat., 8:00pm (virtual via Zoom call)
    • Lord’s Day Meetings: Lord’s Day, 10:00am
      English (virtual via Zoom call)
      Chinese North (virtual via Zoom call)
      Chinese South (virtual via Zoom call)
      Kindergarten: Lord’s Day 9:40 am – 10:00 pm

Weekly Schedule:

    • HWMR: 2020 Spring ITERO “The Will of God”, week 4: Living a Life according to God’s Heart and Will
    • Life-Study: review on Matthew
    • Weekday Pursuit: (cancelled)