May 17, 2020 Announcements

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    1. Continuing Steadfastly in Intercession
      The brothers encourage all the saints to continue to pray steadfastly for the Lord’s move on the earth:”Whether in our estimation we succeeded or failed in our prayer over the past thirty days, we need to press on and advance from this point forward. We strongly encourage all the saints to take the thirty suggested prayer burdens on and pray over them again during the month of May.” Read the complete letter from the co-workers in the Lord’s recovery at The saints who have not signed up previously still can sign up in the above website to receive a daily email with a prayer burden and a short paragraph of the ministry excerpt.
    2. Memorial Day Conference – Online
      The church in Fremont will join other localities in Northern California and the Northwest to participate in the conference. For each language, we will have a designated Zoom meeting for the saints to join to watch the conference message. After each message, the saints will be arranged into breakout sessions (likely 50 or less in a group) where they can overflow their enjoyment of the messages to one another and blend with other saints.

      We request the saints to sign up for the upcoming conference using the following form, which is very easy to fill out:

      Note that signing up on the form is NOT a requirement to join the conference, nor will the saints be required or assigned to prophesy or share if they sign up. The saints’ registration information, however, will give the brothers more data to plan accordingly and communicate with them any timely updates and additional information.

      Below is the meeting schedule:
      Message 1: 5/22 (Fri) 7:00 pm
      Message 2: 5/23 (Sat) 10:00 am
      Message 3: 5/23 (Sat) 7:00 pm
      Message 4: 5/24 (LD) 10:00 am
      Message 5: 5/24 (LD) 7:00 pm
      Message 6: 5/25 (Mon) 10:00 am

      Since the topic of the conference will be on the world situation and the Lord’s recovery, we encourage the saints to read the following two books prior to the conference:
    3. “Family Time” for Families with Children is a website maintained by the saints and will post videos, called “Family Time”, at 4:00pm every day from Monday to Friday for 5 weeks, starting 3/30. Each episode features Bible verses, crafts, stories, greetings from families from all over the world, and activities that can be done at home for children and parents together. You may call in to leave a voice message or share photos of children with their craft, which may be featured in a future episode.

      Besides Family Time, the website also hosts many useful materials for families who are looking for biblical, faith-based stories, songs, and activities. You can follow them on Facebook or at Twitter @TheBibleTMS.
    4. Archive of Brother Minoru’s Special Fellowship with the churches in northern California:
    5. Financial Offerings
      Due to the order of shelter-in-place, financial offerings can be made via the following methods:
      • Bill pay:
        one of the online banking services provided by your bank. Information required to set up a “payee” is listed below:
        The Church in Fremont
        37481 Maple Street, Suite A,
        Fremont, CA 94536
      • Give online:
        use the service on the Church in Fremont website at
      • Checks:
        mail to the address listed above
    6. We will pursue the Life Study of Ephesians starting from May 24. The saints are encouraged to read the book (6 chapters) before then.
    7. Visit the following website for the current status and the prayer burden for NCCCC:
    8. Semiannual Summer Training:
      Due to the continued spread of COVID-19 and the likelihood that various government mandates regulating and restricting public gatherings will be extended, Living Stream Ministry has decided that the June 2020 Semiannual Training will not be held corporately as a live training in Anaheim, CA. Instead, the churches will be able to participate in the June 2020 Semiannual Training by video training only. More information about how to participate in the video training will be shared to all the saints later.

May 17, 2020 Meetings

Weekly Meetings:

    • PSRP: Tuesday, 9:30am (virtual via Zoom call)
      or call @ 669-900-9128, meeting ID 415 608 7777
    • Prayer Meetings: Tuesday, 8:00pm
      English (virtual via Zoom call)
      Chinese North (virtual via Zoom call)
      Chinese South (virtual via Zoom call)
    • Weekday Pursuit: Thursday, 9:30am (cancelled)
    • Small Group Meetings: Fri./Sat., 8:00pm (virtual via Zoom call)
    • Lord’s Day Meetings: Lord’s Day, 10:00am
      English (virtual via Zoom call)
      Chinese North (virtual via Zoom call)
      Chinese South (virtual via Zoom call)
      Kindergarten: Lord’s Day 9:40 am – 10:00 pm

Weekly Schedule:

    • HWMR: 2020 Spring ITERO “The Will of God”, week 4: Living a Life according to God’s Heart and Will
    • Life-Study: review on Matthew
    • Weekday Pursuit: (cancelled)